Category Archives: Us

Sex-Bomb Writer, Angela Tavares, Interviewed at The Round Up Zine

Angela herself.

Angela herself.

Our Angela has been interviewed at roundupzine, where her gorgeous piece “Sunday Night” is published. It’s a great interview that includes Angela’s discovery of erotica when she was a bright young thing, the reasons she writes about sex, and much much more. You can read the whole interview here. And here’s a snippet:

RU: I’m  kind of a fan of Dennis Cooper, who edited the anthology “Userlands: New Fiction Writers from the Blogging Underground” in which your piece “Fast Ones” appears. How did you get involved in that?

AT: Dennis Cooper is one of my favorite writers and one of my biggest inspirations. He taught me what it means to use daring and brave language, to tell stories that can be uncomfortable. And, of course, for these reasons, I visit his website every day. Very long ago, he invited all his blog readers to submit a short story for an anthology he was putting together—specifically to spotlight some of the writers who participated, if I’m not mistaken—and that’s when I sent “Fast Ones.”

RU: You seem to have a propensity towards erotic fiction given your work with Go Deeper Press, amongst other things. What is it about erotic fiction that interests you, and do you remember the first piece of erotic lit you ever read?

AT: It’s sex that interests me, I think. Erotic fiction, yes—that, too, but I love writing the complexities and vulnerabilities of sex, its emotions and manipulations. Strip your characters bare, and see what they got and what they do with it—for me, this is the most fun. Even before I started Go Deeper Press with Lana Fox and began writing erotica, I always seemed to find a way to have my characters get it on.

First piece of erotic lit was something my mother had hidden in her bookcase near her bed. It focused on an escort service. I only snuck tiny reads from it, but it was hot enough that I managed to sneak back in and find it every time she was out of the house. I allowed myself two paragraphs at a time, and then got out of there.

First piece of erotic lit in a non-shame way: 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade. [Read the whole interview at RoundUpZine.)

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Contest: How Long Will It Take ‘Em to Ban Con?

GDP005-Con_Cover_72Con, Book 1: You Can Play It Safe When You’re Dead, is now available directly from the big A, for your Kindle. (I’m not using the booksellers name, in case I tip them off — read on.) I’m keen to see whether they ban it or not. There isn’t one ounce of “obscene” material in there as far as I’m concerned, but as you know, the famed big bookseller acts rather like Hitler, saying that they’ll decide what “obscene” means, and then they’ll throw it out. They sell Lolita and A Clockwork Orange — both books that I love. They also sell Mein Kampf, so presumably they don’t think that’s obscene either. (35 reviewers give Hitler’s disgustingly racist work almost 4 stars overall.)

In Con, Book 1: You Can Play It Safe When You’re Dead, there are grifter twins, a dastardly mark, and sex at gunpoint.  Join the dots, baby.

So!  The contest:  Will they ban Con, or will they not? And if they do ban it, how many days will it take? Two days from today? Or a month? Or two months? In order to make this fun rather than frustrating, the first person who manages to correctly guess how long Con will stay live on the big bookseller’s website will receive any three of our e-books entirely without charge. You can comment below.

I’m going to guess it will take them 7 days. What do you think?

Please support indie erotica and freedom of expression by buying Con, either on our website or at Amazon. We heart your support!

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Sex and Mermaids: An Entrepreneurial Start-Up Story

GDP Square1We’re fortunate enough to have had our entrepreneurial start-up story published at Project Eve. Here’s the opening (to read the full story, go here.)

Tell us about your entrepreneurial product or service.
We publish character-driven erotic stories, and we also run a sexual-spiritual course for women called The Mermaid Voyage: A Two-Week Journey of Erotic Self-Discovery. Not only have we been authors and editors for years, but we’re also reiki practitioners and angel readers, so our erotic stories and courses promote erotic wellbeing on every level. We’re passionate about sexuality, peace, and self-love. And we take the erotic very seriously.

What inspired you to launch your business idea?
When I was a girl who was deeply ashamed of her body and sexuality, I discovered the erotic works of Anais Nin. Suddenly, I wasn’t alone any more, and my whole life changed, because I realized that I wasn’t warped or twisted, but simply human. I hid that book under my mattress and prayed it would never be found. Without Nin, I don’t know what I would have done.

So, decades later, my partner Angela and I decided to launch Go Deeper Press and the Mermaid Voyage, in order to promote sex-positivity. We’ve been around less than a year, creating erotic materials that promote love, enjoyment, and pride.

What problem does your business or organization solve?
Right now, with Russia attacking its LGBTQ citizens, and families telling their children that sex is shame, we know that erotica—through its pride in sexuality—can save lives. We also know… [Continue reading here]

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Cocks So Big, Hearts So Broken (An Interview with Angela Tavares)

Coming on August 5th!

Coming on August 5th!

Huddle is now available at GoDeeperPress and Amazon!

Okay. So the other day, on the train to New York, I read Huddle: Sex With Sporty Queers (Volume 1: Boys Varsity), which is coming to our virtual shelves on August 5th. And my, what a page-turner! This book of delectable sexy stories is edited by GDP’s own super-talented Angela Tavares, so it’ll come as no surprise that I was thoroughly engrossed. These tales are beautifully compiled and crafted, and their characters are often as vulnerable as they are horny. What’s more, its cocks are right in the reader’s face–and that’s where we at GDP like ’em.

So, before Huddle‘s release (pun intended), I thought I’d ask Angela a few invasive, little questions. Enjoy spying on her. I know I do….

1. Before I met you, dear Angela Tavares, I had never really thought about sporty types being sexy. After reading Huddle, of course, I’m utterly dripping with enthusiasm! But can you remember any of the first times when you realized sporty folks could be really hot? We’d love to hear….

I’m not sure. I was probably 10, 11? That’s when I really fell in love with soccer, at a pretty young age. I had all these athletic girls around me on my team, on the other team. I was in heaven.

2. I know you love this anthology, and quite rightly so! But tell us a little about why you love it so much….

Every story in this collection has its own way of being sexy, of being a true turn on. Some have funny moments and some are very dark. These writers’ voices are unforgettable. I think, in some cases, Huddle turned out to be more literary than I had imagined, but I’m super proud of this. I love that GDP attracts these types of writers, ones that know how to tell you a tremendous story and make you burn a little, all at the same time.

3. Years ago, I found out that many women readers love reading gay male erotica. In your opinion, why? 

Is it terrible that my first reaction is “Why not?” Or maybe it’s the same reason why men like to read F/F erotica? The best thing about erotica—for me, anyway—is the chance to experience something new, something that I’d never thought of or experienced yourself, through fictional characters on the page. I’m also a little voyeuristic, so I like to watch people, regardless of gender, strip off and have a good time. So maybe this is why women of all sexualities can enjoy gay male erotica: There’s excitement in experimentation and looking through a peephole. For a more boring answer, maybe some women just want to see how two guys do it?

4. The Huddle stories are wildly hot, but they also have some really moving moments. Can you share a story moment that speaks to the vulnerable side of being–or wanting–a jock?

There are so many moments! And this is what’s so exciting about Huddle. With all the funny parts and the dark parts come such an amazing sense of so many things: longing and insecurity and loneliness—and so much more. But to focus, there’s Benji Bright‘s narrator in “Free Run” hiding behind a tree as he watches his running teammates fuck in the woods. Ben does such an amazing job of holding silence in this scene, if you know what I mean? I feel like I could hear a pin drop. And then there’s Christopher Stoddard‘s Christian in “Football Head.” You will want to take this kid out for pizza and buy him a new hoodie or whatever. Christian was so real for me because I think, in some ways, I was him. I bet a lot of us were.

5. Have you ever had a sporty girl crush on somebody who either is or isn’t famous? Do spill the beans…

Answering this question could take me hours. Let’s just say that, last year, I really, really enjoyed watching the U-20 Women’s World Cup. Yeah, I really liked that. I would also like to take Fallon Fox to the movies and buy her popcorn. Nadine Kessler can come along.

6.. Do you feel the Huddle stories speak to the wonders (and/or perils?) of competition? 

If by competition you mean obsession, domination, and locker room blow jobs, then yes. Huddle speaks to the wonders of all these things!

7. What’s your own favorite sport…and is it featured in the collection?

My favorite sport is soccer. I also really like mixed martial arts. There are no slutty midfielders or randy cage fighters in Huddle, I’m afraid. But I have high hopes for the next volume!

8. Tell us something else about Huddle. Something to tantalize!

You will never see cocks so big or hearts so broken. It’s the best of both worlds: pleasure and pain. Mostly, I just really, really hope that everyone enjoys it as much as I do.

Amen, Angela! Amen.

Check out the anthology at Amazon and GoDeeperPress!

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