Monthly Archives: March 2013

Go Deeper Press’ Links of the Week

Robbie Rogers, your favorite queer soccer stud (courtesy of

Robbie Rogers, your favorite queer soccer stud (courtesy of

Good Vibrations’ “Bling My Vibe” submissions for your peeping pleasure.

Kissing covers: Behind Time magazine April 8th cover story: “Gay marriage already won”

Here we were, celebrating gay marriage on the big stage, while this shit still happens. Artem Kalinin, Russian Gay Activist, Beaten By Local Neo-Nazi On Camera

What can I say? I love sporty queers. Even their sad stories. Gay Soccer Player Retired Because “I Wouldn’t Have Been Able To Go Training The Next Day”

States are cracking down on abortion—and legalizing gay marriage. What gives?

Please don’t steal my oxygen! What Would Happen if Oxygen Were to Disappear for Five Seconds?

Thanks for supporting Go Deeper Press by reading our blog.  If you’d like to browse our erotic, sex-positive e-books for brain and brawn, you can find our website here.



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Confessions of a Kinky Divorcee: A Go Deeper Press Review

Courtesy of Mischief Books

Courtesy of Mischief Books

Here are a few confessions of my own: (1) This book is a sign of what’s to come, and I am so stoked about the future of erotica. (2) I thought Confessions was far too short. Really, I wanted it to go on and on. That’s how crisp and compelling it is–so vivid in Fox’s every detail. (3) Lana Fox is my partner, but there is not one falsehood or stretched truth below, because that would be bogus. (4) I like referring to her as “Fox.”

In Confessions, we read over the shoulder of Debs as she journals every detail of her day: some saddening (that’s where the “divorcee” part comes in), others hilarious, and most intensely erotic and obsessive in the sexiest way possible. And it’s this combination—of heartbreak, humor, and desire—that makes Debs incredibly likeable and identifiable. You are on her side from the first line she writes. And in the end? Well, there could be no better outcome.

The sex is hot, inventive, and masterfully written. And Debs has lots of it, with both men and women. But what was most surprising was the way Fox subtly spun Debs’ coming-out story, and not once did it feel contrived or overbearing or cliché. And Confessions is a story that’s about much more than coming out as queer. Debs comes out as a feminist, as a woman who’s sexually political, and as someone who no longer “laughs her opinions away,” who no longer feels the need to please, but, instead, to speak her mind, regardless of how her words are received. We watch Debs evolve both in her sexuality and in her person, discovering who she is experience by experience. And even when she’s faced with uncertainty and a whole lot of condescension, courtesy of her ex trying his best to get her back (“Oh, Debs, you’re adorable, but you’re not a lesbian”), she doesn’t stir or fall back on old ways. This is one of the novel’s triumphant moments, Debs’ true moment of transformation.

There is an important message here from Fox, and she delivers it with rich, sexy precision: Erotica can make you feel good in myriad ways, and, if it’s done like this, it can help you learn exactly who you are.

You can buy Confessions of a Kinky Divorcee at AmazonBarnes & NobleGoogle Play, and many other places. You can also buy Lana’s short stories in the Go Deeper Press anthologies Femme Fatale and As the Bishop Said to the Actress in our own online store.

Thanks for supporting Go Deeper Press by reading our blog.  If you’d like to browse our erotic, sex-positive e-books for brain and brawn, you can find our website here.



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Sexual Goddess Energy from Aphrodite, No Less

From the "Oracle of Mermaids" (Blue Angel Publishing)

From the “Oracle of Mermaids” (Blue Angel Publishing)

Yesterday, I did an oracle card reading to help me with the final steps of the Mermaid Voyage.  The Voyage is a new online course that I’ve been designing for Go Deeper Press — a two-week journey of erotic self-discovery for women who want to connect with the depths of their sexual-spiritual selves.

I used a Blue Angel deck called “Oracle of Mermaids” for the reading.  (With a guidebook by Lucy Cavendish and beautiful illustrations by Selina Fenech, it’s utterly spellbinding.)  And what card did I receive?  “The Return of Aphrodite.”  Cavendish’s guidebook tells me that this card relates to our burgeoning sexuality: “…when [Aphrodite] comes to you,” it says, “you are being reminded that it is possible to be sexual without being in partnership or formal marriage.”  Also:  “…she is returning to remind you of the beauty  and grace of laughter, of delight, of seeing all that is before you as wondrous and perfect in its own right, delighting as she did in the variety of beings on the planet, encouraging all to procreate, make love, sing, and revel in life.”  She is also a sign of “love and self-esteem, of a wish to be free for a time from ‘marriage’ or conventional relationships – a time to explore, to delight, to be sensual, and to be free, with no fear of retribution.”

And Aphrodite knew how to share sensuality with other women, the oracle tells us.  She wishes to “experience, to love, to be filled, again and again, with all the beauty this world has to offer.”

How amazingly on-point.  I couldn’t have received a better write-up for the Mermaid Voyage if I’d made it up myself!

Namaste, folks.

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Go Deeper Press’ Links for the Week

url-2Today, we are running around the backyard, butt-naked, waving our Pride flag, and all in the name of supporting marriage for everyone…our good, gay selves included.  We have very cold feet courtesy of the snow, and there are butterflies are in our stomachs.  But butterflies are transformational, right?

Our links for this week, courtesy of the lovely Angela.

1. Why DOMA is Doomed

2. Westboro Baptist Church Founder Fred Phelps May Be Gay, Suggests Former Member Lauren Drain

3. Hong Kong LGBT groups withdraw from government-sponsored Sexual Minorities Forum

4. Liz Carmouche Says She’ll Fight Fallon Fox

5. New interview at Kink-E Magazine with Alison Tyler, famed erotica writer and Go Deeper Press author.

6. New Documentary Following LGBT Athletes As They Come Out

7. Powerful Anti-Hate Ad Imagines What Harvey Milk, Matthew Shepard, and Others Would Be Like Today: VIDEO

8. Heeeeeere Come the Gay Divorces!

9. Gay Meningitis Outbreak in New York City: Help Spread the Word!

10. Michelle Shocked Me

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Why I Don’t Buy Anti-Aging Lotion (or Older Women Are Sexy)

Adele DeWitt (aka Olivia Williams) from Joss Whedon's Dollhouse

Adele DeWitt (aka Olivia Williams) from Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse

Today, I was buying face cream in CVS.  Angela, in fact, was with me.  We went our separate ways for a few moments, gathering bits and pieces, and when we returned she produced some tubs of face cream for me to choose from — she couldn’t quite remember the type that I buy.  “I don’t get the anti-aging one,” I said.  “Just the moisturizing cream.”  And just as I was taking it from her hands, I suddenly remembered why:

I’m not going to live my life afraid of a few facial lines.  And I hope I’ll never assume that age has anything to do with “sexy.”

Well, last Thursday, as some of you already know, my novel, “Confessions of a Kinky Divorcee,” (from Harper Collins’ Mischief) hit the stores.  It’s the story of Debs, who, in her late thirties, sets off on a journey of sexual self-discovery.  She is not a “young” woman, but she doesn’t let this stop her.  In a way, Confessions is a book about being yourself, in kinky heels, in taxi cabs, and even when you get home to find your tenant tied to the bedposts.  It’s a story of a woman who falls for a younger woman and discovers that age has nothing to do with love.

So!  I’m all in praise of sexy mature women today.  Which brings me to…Adele DeWitt!  If you haven’t seen Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse, please consider doing so.  It’s an amazing exploration of human trafficking…and what could potentially happen if we discover how to control one another’s personalities.  What’s more, it also contains Olivia Williams playing Adele DeWitt.  I’d love to show you a scene, but the Whedon team keep an understandably tight hold of their material.  However, here’s a music vid by rmorrisme that shows Williams playing DeWitt, followed by a interview with Williams (about her role in Dollhouse) on Fox.


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Lana’s Novel Launches Today (and We’re Getting Hot in a Black Box)

GDP Square1Yes everyone!  It’s Lana here.  And today, Angela woke up next to me and used her iPhone to open my new novel, Confessions of a Kinky Divorcee, which had been automatically sent to her.  Yes, my petite novel  launched this very day and you can buy it on Amazon for $1.99 or at Harper Collins’ Mischief Books for a mere 99 cents.  Oh!  And you can also download a free sample at Mischief.

What’s more, we’re getting political with a big, black box.  As you can see.

Have a lovely day, dear reader.

Thank you for visiting Go Deeper Press! If you’re a sex-positive reader, you can browse our e-books and more at our website. And of course, we’d also love to stay in touch on Twitter and Facebook.



Confessions of Lana Fox, Part 2

Courtesy of Mischief Books

Courtesy of Mischief Books

Here’s the concluding part of Lana’s interview, where she will entertain you, no doubt, with references to girl-on-girl sex and her dissertation on Joss Whedon. And don’t forget! Lana’s first book, Confessions of a Kinky Divorcee, comes out tomorrow on Mischief Books. Get it from Amazon or Google Play!

I was wondering: Is Confessions the first time you wrote girl-girl sex? I know I should know the answer to this.

I’m glad you asked! The first time I published girl-girl sex was in a story entitled “Untouchable Tabby,” which appears in Threesome by Xcite Books. I did write a few gay sex scenes after that, but none of them felt ready to develop into stories. Then along came Confessions—and, around the time I started the book, I was already having a relationship with you, Angela Tavares!—and I found I couldn’t write lesbian sex fast enough. Impassioned sex was flowing out of me!

Okay, now, when you’re not writing or publishing erotica, you’re coaching…all types of coaching. Can you explain the evolution of the Mermaid Voyage? And Whole Arts, too, if you’re not too tired? Man, are your days longer than mine or something?

Hmm, great question! Yes, I do love coaching.

Well, firstly, I’ll explain what the Mermaid Voyage is. It’s is a two-week online course of guided visualizations, meditations, and lovemaking activities, plus a gift pack filled with transcendent sensual goodies. This “Voyage” evolved because of my non-fiction book that is currently represented by the Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency. Like the book, the Voyage looks to transform our vision of solo sex and erotic self-love so that we can experience them as pure, loving and empowering. Also, by thinking of ourselves as “mermaid women,” we can recreate folklore and society’s myths to reflect only love, pride, and pure enjoyment.

The Voyage evolved because I have found erotic self-love to be extremely healing in my life. Yet I heard so many women speak of the burdens of sexual shame in my work as a sex columnist and erotic writing instructor. People would leave my erotic writing classes all aglow, saying that they felt changed—they’d received nurture and praise in that classroom, along with permission to express their sexual imaginings. If my erotic writing classes could have that transformative effect, I realized that a course in erotic self-love could do even more.

As for other coaching, yes, I’m an arts, writing, and confidence coach, both long-distance (via phone/Skype) and face to face. I love it! Helping other people to refine and develop their ideas, and change the world through their visions, is extremely satisfying for me! I find that there is so much talent in this world, and all of it so unique. What could be more inspiring?

Lana reads from “Smart Girls Won’t Screw Witless Girls” from Femme Fatale

Anais Nin or Joss Whedon: If you absolutely had to pick just one, which would it be?

Argh, you just made my head explode! You know me so well.

That is a very hard question because, ultimately, these two are my absolute heroes. No one does what Whedon does with such emotional truth. He shows us how we feel—really and powerfully—over and over again, in the most imaginative and transformational of ways. Truly, he has inspired me so much to speak my truth no matter who disapproves or misunderstands. He honored Willow’s gayness, in spite of the audience he lost, and in Dollhouse, he shows sex in all its colors—as empowering, beautiful, terrifying, vital, and a source of incredible love, cruelty, and creativity, depending on who values it or abuses it. What’s more, Inara in Firefly is the most empowered, stunning, emotionally transcendent sex worker I’ve ever seen depicted in story. If only we could all understand sexuality as she does. Beautiful.

Nin, however, wrote sex as a woman during a time when it was virtually impossible to do so. Her diaries are exquisite—so honest and deep. And she expressed sex with such truth, power and feeling. She was also a polyamorous woman when no such thing existed in terms of language. She honored who she was. That’s HUGE.

But ultimately, though it almost explodes my heart, I have to go with Whedon, et al. That’s probably because Whedon is so with us today, now, commenting on our society in ways we so need. He, and his team, saves us person by person, saying, “Everyone has darkness, everyone is sexual, everyone is human, everyone can love.” I have been moved to tears by Whedon’s gang time and time again. What a being of light! What love!

What are you buying me for my birthday?

Nice try, Sherlock.

This is where you get to say something amazing that no one will ever forget.

The chemical that you release during sexual pleasure gives you more energy to be generous to the world. After orgasm, experiments suggest that people give away up to eight times more money. Seriously. Imagine a world that is so at peace with itself that it becomes eight times more generous! So please, never see sexuality and erotic self-love as selfish. They are self-full, and that makes all the difference.


Thanks for supporting Go Deeper Press by reading our blog.  If you’d like to browse our erotic, sex-positive e-books for brain and brawn, you can find our website here.



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Confessions of Lana Fox, Part 1

lana headshot3The way I see it, there aren’t enough interviews with Lana Fox. Sure, you might find it strange that I’m the one to take initiative, seeing how I’m in business with her. And you could call me biased: I’m a fan, her partner, folder of her laundry and all that. But the real reason I wanted to interview Lana is because she’s doing amazing things in the realm of erotica and sexual-spiritual healing. Sometimes, she combines the two. Other times, she’s writing taboo like I’ve never seen it, and it’s this combination of aesthetics, of keeping focus on both the transformational and what most consider the “darker” parts of us, that makes her writing sexy and unique. To me, she’s a trailblazer.

Lana’s new petite novel, Confessions of a Kinky Divorcee, is available this Thursday from Mischief Books.

Hi Lana. It’s Angela. You are such a busy woman. I’d list all the projects you’re working on and books you’re writing and publishing, but I’d hate to overwhelm you. So, I’ve got to ask: what’s the first thing you do in the morning?

Aha! Well, the first thing I do in the morning (aside from kiss my angel hello) is to put on my exceptionally furry slippers. This, naturally, is a highly erotic experience. Think: naked feet slipping into furry fabric—fake fur, I will add, seeing as I’m sort of a vegetarian… “sort of” (ahem) because I also eats clams. Then I answer about 30 emails, at least ten of which usually have something to do with sex and sexuality. Not bad, eh?

urlCan you remember the first book of erotica that caught your eye? How come it did?

I was seventeen, I believe, when I first encountered Anais Nin’s “Delta of Venus.” I was in a bookstore in Leicester—the British city where I lived at that time—and as I was browsing the tables of books, I saw this amazing cover design. It was a boy in a peaked cap pressing a woman against a wall for a fiery, accept-no-prisoners kiss. The woman was wearing stockings, and I could see her stocking-tops. How could I not pick up that book and finger through the pages? Considering that I’d been raised with tons of sexual guilt, Nin’s descriptions of debauched barons and exotic dancers, not to mention lesbian threesomes, incest, and secrecy, were breathlessly exciting. Nin’s scenes were like those that I had imagined myself, yet always felt so guiltily alone with! I invested in the book and hid it beneath my bed. I read it from cover to cover—and often.

Why Go Deeper Press? I mean, not the name itself, but what persuaded you to tackle the business side of publishing?

I had always found it hard to find really well-written erotica. Now, I know “well-written” is subjective, but there is a particular style that I’ve always sought. Angela Carter, Anais Nin, Sarah Waters, and Steve Almond were writing about this enticing sex that was filled with imagination and heart-racing need. So I learned to write erotica. In fact, I trained under Steve Almond at Grub Street (where I now teach erotica). And the more I published, the more I read. I felt so free when I read and created erotica. In fact, it was erotic fantasy that first showed me I was queer: I saw that I was often watching the woman as I wrote my fantasies down, or imagining that I was the man in a heterosexual scene. Erotica found me. I started to talk about sex, to express myself. I found Susie Bright, Betty Dodson—heroes of mine. I started to teach erotic writing, became a sex columnist, a sex blogger, a sex-positive activist, and moved into an amazing sex-positive community. And wonder of all wonders, I met Angela, my soulmate, who is endlessly inspiring, passionate, and talented. You wait until you read Angela’s erotica—I mean, wow! Without her, Go Deeper Press would not have been born.

The long and short of it? Erotica has played a huge role in my life. It taught me to be shame-free, to be who I was, to see my sexual self as beautiful. And as anyone who has felt saved by art will know, we want so badly to help others feel that too.

Name three things that, if you didn’t have them, your days and nights would be simply miserable.

Angela, my friends, and PG Tips (that’s very strong British tea, fyi).

Courtesy of Mischief Books

Courtesy of Mischief Books

Your new novella, Confessions of a Kinky Divorcee, is coming out from Mischief this Thursday. Do you want to plug it a little? If you don’t, I will.

So, I started with two ideas. I wanted to write a book about a woman who actively benefits from her husband’s infidelity! And I also wanted to write about kinky shoes and how good they can make us feel. See, because high heels are often sexy, people often treat them as if they are frivolous—sexiness, after all, isn’t always respected in our society. But. in my eyes, the notion that a pair of stilettos can transform our confidence and make us feel proud means that they can be every bit as deep as a Van Gogh painting (which, as it happens, can do the same, right?).

This is the story that I ended up with:

Debs is devastated when, by playing peeping tom, she catches her husband cheating. But as she watches his tryst from her hiding place, she finds herself lusting after the blonde he’s screwing. Amazed that she apparently isn’t heterosexual, Debs divorces her husband and sets off to find out who she really is sexually. And, my goodness, she has quite the kinky adventure! Firstly, as the manager of Pussyfoot Shoes, she uses her love of stilettos to great effect in the boudoir. And secondly, she starts having fabulous sex with women. But in spite of her liberation, she can’t help falling for her young tenant, Janey, a college student who is studying the history of the stiletto. And while Janey is delectable to peep on, Debs believes she is entirely out of bounds….

Thanks for supporting Go Deeper press by reading our blog.  If you’d like to browse our erotic, sex-positive e-books for brain and brawn, you can find our website here.



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Lilies and Leather: Using Scent to Conjure Desire

Photo Credit: Warburg (own work)

Photo Credit: Warburg (own work)

In my erotica workshops at Grub Street, Boston (I’m teaching one next week, by the way!), I often give the writers a single, foil-wrapped chocolate. The idea is for them to tantalize themselves by delaying satisfaction, while they free-write about their sensations and feelings. The task lets them write directly from desire in a way that’s enticing, but also safe. When I ask them to consider the scent of their chocolate without taking it into their mouths, their written descriptions drip with longing. How helpful scent can be when conjuring desire! So why, in sensual scenes, is it often neglected?

I suppose scent plays a less obvious role in our lives than vision, touch, taste or hearing…though when a scent (or a stench) arises, its effect can be intense and surprisingly specific – a whiff of the cologne an old flame once wore can excite us before we’ve even worked out why. We can also bond via smell, like animals, inhaling one another’s skin and hair. Certain aromas make us long to taste as well – and eating is carnal, baby. But whichever way you look at it, scent is intimate and vital, bringing our readers far closer to a sensual scene.

Those who’ve taken either my flash fiction or erotica classes will know I’m a big fan of Steve Almond’s chapbook, This Won’t Take But a Minute, Honey. My favorite piece in the collection is Dumbrowski’s Advice – a story that draws beautifully on the power of scent. In the excerpt below, the protagonist yearns for a girl who works in a diner:

“You admired her accent, she was local, a local girl, she knew where the rail tracks ran, swam naked in the stone quarry, held secrets in the hollow of her neck. You memorized her aromas – pie crust and parmesan, that lemony deodorant – you from somewhere else, a shipping clerk in charge of labels, auditioning for adulthood in thrift shop ties.” FromDumbrowski’s Advice, by Steve Almond

Breathlessly beautiful, right?

Of course, we don’t always have to be moved by our desires. Sometimes we’re downright afraid of them. And in such scenarios, scent can heighten the tension. In Angela Carter’s Bloody Chamber (a dark take on the Blue Beard tale) the protagonist is wary of the mysterious man she’s marrying for his riches…and though she doesn’t state it directly, we get the impression that she both fears and craves him. In the following excerpt, she and her new husband are traveling to his castle where they will have sex for the very first time. They take the train:

“Only the communicating door kept me from my husband and it stood open. If I rose up on my elbow, I could see the dark, leonine shape of his head and my nostrils caught a whiff of the opulent male scent of leather and spices that always accompanied him and sometimes during his courtship, had been the only hint he gave me that he had come into my mother’s sitting-room, for, though he was a big man, he moved softly as if all his shoes had soles of velvet, as if his footfall turned the carpet into snow.” From The Bloody Chamber, by Angela Carter

What better way of implying a predatory nature? Carter was a master of the sensual scene.

Lastly, I’ll leave you with a wicked little seduction from Nikki Magennis‘s erotic fairy tale, The Red Shoes (Redux), which makes great use of very specific flavors and scents:

“When he kissed her, it was like drinking very fine brandy – smooth and strong and dark gold. Lily smelled the perfume on his neck – civet and patchouli, something dense and elusive – as he deftly unbuttoned and pushed her jeans to her knees. Any shame she might have felt evaporated like smoke…” From The Red Shoes (Redux), by Nikki Magennis

And with that, I disappear in a puff of patchouli.

This post first appeared on the Grub Street Daily, where Lana published it under her less intriguing name…

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Go Deeper Press’ Links of the Week

Rolf Süssbrich via Wikimedia Commons

Rolf Süssbrich via Wikimedia Commons

The Vatican’s gay bathhouse: When you really, really think about it, it makes total sense.

Guess who’s Sugardaddy to the queers.

Be prepared: Boy Scouts want to know how adult members feel about this whole gay thing.

E.L. James wants to teach you how to write erotica. Or err-otica?

Ready for this one? “Michigan supports natural procreation and recognizes that children benefit from being raised by parents of each sex who can then serve as role models of the sexes both individually and together in matrimony.”

Duh! There are no queers in theater!

They know what we search for: An infographic of Global Internet Porn Habits.

And to follow up on the previous link: A study of 10,000 porn stars and their careers. (Thanks, Stephen!)

Thanks so much for visiting our blog! If you’ve like to browse our erotic books for brain and brawn, come visit our website or find us, including our reader reviews, at Amazon.



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