Monthly Archives: June 2012

Henry Miller Goes Deeper

Anais Nin

This is the first in a series of posts in which the Go Deeper editors quote sensational erotic writers, past and present, who show sexual desire as beautiful, or messed up, or deep, or crazy, or addictive, or romantic…or just plain hot.

Here is Henry Miller, in a letter to his lover, Anais Nin:

Yes, Anais, I was thinking how I could betray you, but I can’t.  I want you.  I want to undress you, vulgarize you a bit—ah, I don’t know what I am saying.  I am a little drunk because you are not here.  I would like to clap my hands and, voila—Anais!  I want to own you, use you.  I want to fuck you, I want to teach you things.  No, I don’t appreciate you—God forbid!  Perhaps I even want to humiliate you a little—why, why?  Why don’t I get down on my knees and just worship you?  I can’t.  I love you laughingly. 

Do you like that?

From A Literate Passion: Letters of Anais Nin and Henry Miller 1932-1953

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