Body Beautiful: The Erotic Photography of Gracie Hagen

Gracie Hagen’s “Twice the Price”

Holy cow, Gracie Hagen knows how to use a camera.  I only just found out about her work (via tinynibbles, with thanks) and my gosh, what a graceful eye.  Do take a look at her Flickr photostream to see Hagen tapping the beauty of different body shapes, body types, roles and genders in a way that makes me want to run at her, butt-naked, with a CVS throwaway camera, and say, “Find the erotic in me, please!”  Check her out for takes on sexuality, gender and social roles, not to mention a treasure trove of erotic imagination.  I could gaze at these photos all day.

Um, could someone please buy me a pair of leather gloves?


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One thought on “Body Beautiful: The Erotic Photography of Gracie Hagen

  1. I sent this via FB, but it’ll probably end-up in the dreaded “other” mailbox.

    I just wanted to say thank you for featuring Spiro Scindo’s work with Gracie Hagen. Spiro’s one of my favorite models and I’m glad to see her earning the attention she so rightly deserves. (Even if it means she’ll have less time to work with me.)

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